
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Doctor

Alright so my conclusion is that the eleventh Doctor has ADHD. And why do I think this? This might contain some spoilers for season 5. I'm writing either very specific, quotes, or very general, in a way it can be almost any episode. Well, does happen in almost every episode.

Reason one impulse control, or lack of it. I'm watching the Christmas Carol and seriously, a chimney! "Sorry, Christmas eve on a rooftop, saw a chimney and my whole brain went what the hell!" He always seem to be gathering stuff from around him as well. Remember the fez? Yeah he picked that up from a museum exhibit. There is a dalek on the loose trying to kill them and world is ending. He still has time to pick up a fez! And he's usually all 'do now, think later'. He comes with great plans and gets everyone out of trouble but with few hick ups along the way.

Concentration. He seems to loose the though sometimes, he does get it back but there is alot of wandering in the between. Off track comments "Now, this console is the key to saving that ship, or I'll eat my hat. If I had a hat. I'll eat someone's hat. Not someone who's using their hat. I don't want to shock a nun, or something. Sorry, rambling, because, because this isn't working!" or "Give me time and a crayon" No idea why a crayon.. Anyway. So what was I saying? Oh yeah he keeps jump around a bit in a room, can't stay still. He always sees something and goes over to it and plays a round a bit, in a sense oh what does this do. He has said he's easily bored. And he often gets stuck on new weird things when the world is ending around him. I sometimes wonder what would happen to him if he didn't have a companion shouting into his ear some sense.

Hyperactive. Yeah he can't sit still for a moment. Need I say more?

He sees things that other people sometimes miss and he looks at the world differently than others. This is something that happens often to people with ADHD. We can often look at simple, everyday things in new light because our perception works differently.

So my conclution is that ADHD people are pretty close to being Time Lord!
But seriously. Part of this can be explained by him being Time Lord. He literally sees the world differently. He can see time. He's lived about thousand years. He's got alot of stuff in his brain.

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