
Monday, 3 December 2018

Steroid trial part 2

I have come down from 9mg of budesonide to 6mg. The tablets are 3mg size so the decrease happens in 3mg intervals.

So far, it hasn't been easy. I have been taking the smaller dose for a week, and all the energy I got from the 9mg, has left. I felt better than I have in years. Even before I had liver issues. I have a feeling that my low energy levels have more to do with cortisol levels than liver. My liver functions beautifully, it's just being destroyed for what ever reason.
So as to what's been going on since starting lower dose. So when I was on bigger dose, I had the classic signs like moon face, acne, high energy levels. My face actually started to change in a day after the smaller dose! It looks now a lot more normal than it did. My acne is slowly clearing up as well. My cheeks and whole side of the face down to mid neck was covered in red spots. Since starting the lower dose, I haven't gotten any new spots and the older ones seem to be clearing up slowly. These are the nice effects. As for my energy levels, I have no energy. I seem to have gone back to my normal energy level. I had stressful week and worked three days and I needed three naps during the weekend to get some energy. I still need about 8-9h during the night, plus many naps. Hopefully by tomorrow, I will be able to work again. This is classic problem with low cortisols. There is still some hope that longer I'm on the lower dose, my body might realise it needs to start producing more of them. Problem is that doctors can't do any tests on cortisol levels, especially how my body produces them until I've been steroid free for several months. I am on the one that should effect less overall cortisols, but it doesn't mean there isn't any effect on them.
Also my insulin levels are still a bit mad. I have managed to go down 4 units of background insulin a day, which is less than 5%..

Also my liver specialists seems somewhat mental. They have somewhat tendency to chance their minds on moments notice. Every singe time I visit their office, it's different doctor and different opinion of what I have. Last visit came out of the blue. I was told I won't get any appointments until my steroid trial is completely over. Then I was called in couple weeks after. Apparently this one seemed to think I have been confirmed to have AIH and wanted to see my levels at 6mg to see if it's my dose.. No one told me about this. And as for the reading I've done, if they decide I have AIH by the end of this trial (after being steroid free for 2 months), they will restart steroids and then figure out my ideal dose. According to what I have learnt, then they will keep me there until my levels stabilise and then start moving onto more permanent immunosuppressant, most likely azathioprine. What I have learnt, be your own expert. Read, remember all the letters and information about your case. I had to remind the doctor that the reason why I am doing the steroid test in the first place is because my biopsy was indicative for medication damage, not AIH. Be your own expert. The doctors don't have time to read your full file. You might need to remind them of the important bits.

Also, find something that relaxes you. For me it's crocheting. I often crochet while waiting for the appointments or blood tests. Read, write, draw, walk in the park. Just keep active, do what ever you can to keep sane. The process of diagnosis is longer than  you want and it's stressful. Just take care of your own mental wellbeing!